Annette Wong
Brand Name
Bee O’Deer
"Unlike in the Western world, we found people in Hong Kong are still unfamiliar with repurposing, refashion, reuse, and upcycling. Therefore, education is the forefront process before asking them to upcycle or refashion their clothing.
We aim to promote sustainable and upcycling fashion by connecting young designers, skilful garment-making artisans and encouraging people to buy their clothing with a purpose; gone are those hypnotised fast-fashion buying habits.
We approach garment manufacturers and companies in Hong Kong. Ask for the donation of their redundant samples, cutaway samples, garment dead stocks, fabric rolls, trims and accessories to guarantee garment newness instead of making upcycling garments out of pre-owned pieces. And this doesn't apply to customer's special request for tailor-made upcycling clothing.